Prayer of Potential 1[51292] Prayer of Potential 1 #9# Cost: #24# MP Instant Cast Cooldown: #21# seconds Required Level: #15# Grants the "Prayer of Potential 1" status
"Prayer of Potential 1": Increases Weapon Critical Chance by +10%. Duration: 1 Hour.
Prayer of Potential 2[54162] Prayer of Potential 2 #9# Cost: #24# MP Instant Cast Cooldown: #21# seconds Required Level: #15# Grants the "Prayer of Potential 2" status
"Prayer of Potential 2": Increases Weapon Critical Chance by +12%. Duration: 1 Hour.
Prayer of Potential 3[54916] Prayer of Potential 3 #9# Cost: #24# MP Instant Cast Cooldown: #21# seconds Required Level: #15# Grants the "Prayer of Potential 3" status
"Prayer of Potential 3": Increases Weapon Critical Chance by +14%. Duration: 1 Hour.
Correctly grants weapon distance critical for bows and rifles.
✦ Phantom✦
☰ Skills
Void Guardian[56781] Void Guardian #9# Cost: #24# MP Instant Cast Cooldown: #21# seconds Required Level: #15# Group Skills When used, grants the effect "Void Guardian" to the user.
"Void Guardian": Becomes invulnerable to all damage. Unable to move during the duration. Duration: 5 seconds.
Fixed skill effect.
✦ Chronoshifter✦
☰ PvP Armors
Sacrifice Rune[13034] Sacrifice Rune 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +11%, Evasion and Hit Rate +11 pts. MP Máx. +6% and Dark Resistance +15%
Before: Casting Interruption -11%.
After: Max Mana +6%.
Time Wanderer[13147] Time Wanderer 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +13%, Evasion and Hit Rate +13 pts. MP Máx. +8% and Dark Resistance +25%
Before: Casting Interruption -16%.
After: Max Mana +8%.
Crystal Genesis[13141] Crystal Genesis 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +15%, Evasion and Hit Rate +15. MP Máx. +10% and Dark Resistance +35%
Before: Casting Interruption -21%.
After: Max Mana +10%.
Genesis of Space-Time[13165] Genesis of Space-Time 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +17%, Evasion and Hit Rate +17 pts. MP Máx. +12% and Dark Resistance +45%
Before: Casting Interruption -26%.
After: Max Mana +12%.
Shadowy Traveler[13171] Shadowy Traveler 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +19%, Evasion and Hit Rate +19 pts. MP Máx. +14% and Dark Resistance +55%
Before: Casting Interruption -31%.
After: Max Mana +14%.
Crystal Shaper[13094] Crystal Shaper 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +21%, Evasion and Hit Rate +21 pts. MP Máx. +16% and Dark Resistance +65%
Before: Casting Interruption -36%.
After: Max Mana +16%.
Chrono Keeper[13464] Chrono Keeper 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +23%, Evasion and Hit Rate +23 pts. MP Máx. +18% and Dark Resistance +75%
Before: Casting Interruption -41%.
After: Max Mana +18%.
Chaotic Crystal[13004] Chaotic Crystal 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +25%, Evasion and Hit Rate +25 pts. MP Máx. +20% and Dark Resistance +85%
Before: Casting Interruption -45%.
After: Max Mana +20%.
Immortal Sacrifice Rune[13010] Immortal Sacrifice Rune 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +15%, Evasion and Hit Rate +15. MP Máx. +8% and Dark Resistance +24%
Before: Casting Interruption -18%.
After: Max Mana +6%.
Immortal Time Wanderer[13016] Immortal Time Wanderer 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +17%, Evasion and Hit Rate +17 pts. MP Máx. +10% and Dark Resistance +34%
Before: Casting Interruption -23%.
After: Max Mana +8%.
Immortal Crystal Genesis[13292] Immortal Crystal Genesis 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +19%, Evasion and Hit Rate +19 pts. MP Máx. +12% and Dark Resistance +44%
Before: Casting Interruption -28%.
After: Max Mana +10%.
Immortal Genesis of Space-Time[13298] Immortal Genesis of Space-Time 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +21%, Evasion and Hit Rate +21 pts. MP Máx. +14% and Dark Resistance +54%
Before: Casting Interruption -33%.
After: Max Mana +12%.
Immortal Shadowy Traveler[13304] Immortal Shadowy Traveler 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +23%, Evasion and Hit Rate +23 pts. MP Máx. +16% and Dark Resistance +64%
Before: Casting Interruption -38%.
After: Max Mana +14%.
Immortal Crystal Shaper[12534] Immortal Crystal Shaper 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +25%, Evasion and Hit Rate +25 pts. MP Máx. +18% and Dark Resistance +74%
Before: Casting Interruption -43%.
After: Max Mana +16%.
Immortal Chrono Keeper[12540] Immortal Chrono Keeper 4-Piece Bonus: Magic Attack +27%, Evasion and Hit Rate +27 pts. MP Máx. +20% and Dark Resistance +84%